Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Am So Tired!

OK. I did something today that I have not done since I was in high school: I slept until noon! I didn't even realize I had slept so late! In fact, I am still pretty tired, so I think I will go take a nap! Sleep is a wonderful thing!


kunami10 said...

I was tired Saturday too. Keith and I stayed up until 2 and then got up at 4 (with a few wakings during that 2 hours) for the Harvest Festival...which turned out to be a complete bust. I took about an hour nap Saturday, but then slept pretty much all day on Sunday. I got up to run, but it was raining so I went back to bed and slept until 12:30. Got up to eat lunch and fell asleep at the table so went back to sleep until about 3:30. Hey...I think I slept more than you on Sunday! Go me! ;-)

kunami10 said...

Are you so tired that you cannot post another blog????