Friday, December 28, 2007

Impatience or Depression?

I think I am the most impatient person on this planet. I do not understand why David hasn't called me. I am beginning to think that God was indeed teasing me about this whole thing. I am already taking happy pills, (3 a day!) and this isn't helping! I talked to him on Christmas Day because I called him. We talked for about 10 minutes. I hope things get better after he takes the second part of his big test on Monday. If not, I give up.

I have had a really big problem being content with things lately. I hate it that when I go home for the holidays I am the only one there without a family. That sucks! I realize that I am pretty self-sufficient, but when I look at my house I get depressed thinking that it was all I could afford. I didn't even pay for my own car! My parents got if for me for Christmas a few years ago. I hate to think what I would be driving if I had to buy my own. Right now my dogs are the only things I am proud sad is that?

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