Friday, August 31, 2007

Yes, I am still alive...

Wow! Marti can leave mean comments! :~) OK. I have managed to get my big ole self out of bed at 6AM for 5 days in a row. I think I deserve an oreo blizzard, but then I think back to Thursday when I tried to put on a pair of pants I wore last year and they would not button!!!!!! The sucky thing is that I had ironed them and everything! BUMMER! My class is OK. They are big talkers, though, and I am about to get out the duct tape! (JUST KIDDING!!!) I have 21 of the little ankle biters. One of them has never used a computer before and can't seem to find any of the letters he needs on the keyboard. What do they teach in Las Vegas? So, other than paperwork, I now have no life. I did finally manage the time to cut my front and back yards. The dogs were not appreciating the fact that the grass was so tall. Besides, it's very hard to scoop the poop when it is lost in tall grass!

I will leave you with that thought! :~)

1 comment:

kunami10 said...

Since you're already getting up at 6:00 am, why don't you just set the alarm an hour early and come run with me?