Friday, December 28, 2007

Impatience or Depression?

I think I am the most impatient person on this planet. I do not understand why David hasn't called me. I am beginning to think that God was indeed teasing me about this whole thing. I am already taking happy pills, (3 a day!) and this isn't helping! I talked to him on Christmas Day because I called him. We talked for about 10 minutes. I hope things get better after he takes the second part of his big test on Monday. If not, I give up.

I have had a really big problem being content with things lately. I hate it that when I go home for the holidays I am the only one there without a family. That sucks! I realize that I am pretty self-sufficient, but when I look at my house I get depressed thinking that it was all I could afford. I didn't even pay for my own car! My parents got if for me for Christmas a few years ago. I hate to think what I would be driving if I had to buy my own. Right now my dogs are the only things I am proud sad is that?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Here I Go...

I am at the point of no return. I officially want to have David's children! He came to church in his scrubs AGAIN and my heart stopped beating! We are going to get together this next weekend, too! He wants me to call him this week. If he hadn't been on call this morning and had to go back to the hospital, I think we would've gone to lunch after church. Holy cow! I don't know whether to be excited or nervous about this whole thing. He better not have a nurse on the side!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Random Thoughts...

I found out about a week ago that my dad really thought he was going to die when he had his heart attack. He didn't think he would live until he landed in Odessa and saw the doctors and nurses running out to meet the helicopter! He doesn't know that I know this, however. My mom told me. That is so scary.

It snowed on me Thanksgiving day. It snowed the entire drive down to Big Spring and all day Thanksgiving. I had my niece take a picture of me with the dogs out in the snow. It came out really good. It took forever to get them to be still and cooperate!

On another note...I feel like David and I are becoming better friends everytime we see each other. I can't stress enough how much I want something to work out with him. I didn't want to get too involved with this "hopefulness," but that is too late. The deed is done. I will be very disappointed if nothing happens. I know God is in control and "...all things work together..." I also re-discovered a verse in Psalms: "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 Of course, I also keep thinking of what George Lopez always says (I LOVE watching George Lopez!) "I got this...!" I think that sometimes God wants to yell "I got this!" down at me several times a day. In fact, I'm pretty sure He is doing it right now!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

God is Good...

Well, my weekend was interesting! My dad had a heart attack on Saturday, and if my mom hadn't found him when she did, he would have died. She had gone to a women's breakfast at church, and when she got home he was sitting in the chair as white as could be, sweating, and in GREAT pain. He was having a hard time breathing, too. So, she called my oldest brother, who is a cop, and he came to the house with lights AND sirens! For those that don't know, lights and sirens are serious! He helped my mom get my dad to the car. He didn't want to go. He said if they would leave him alone, he would be fine in a few minutes. Yeah, fine and DEAD! So, my brother escorted my mom to the ER with his lights and sirens. They put a clot buster in and airlifted him to Odessa. When he got to Odessa, they put in a stint and he was fine. The doctor kept saying how lucky he was and telling us that we don't realize how close he was to dying. If we had waited on an ambulance, he wouldn't have made it. Thank God for helicopters! The hospital in Big Spring isn't equipped to handle those types of emergiencies. He's fine, now, though. He went to work today. They unclogged the artery that was 100% blocked and will do the one that is 80% blocked on November 9th. I did not like the feeling I had on Saturday! I was very worried and scared! But, everything is fine. I would like to meet the doctor who invented the stint and give him a great big HUG, and I'm not a hugger!!

"For we know that ALL things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Just for Marti...

Whoever said that cleaning a house was not a work-out has never cleaned mine! I have been cleaning since 10:45 this morning and right now it is 12:45. Now I have to go OUTSIDE and do the yard. By the end of the day I will be able to say I worked out today.

I can't wait until Sunday! I get to see David. I really hope something comes from this friendship. I am trying not to hope too much, though. One let down is enough for me. Actually two. I had a serious man in college right out of high school. He turned out to be a cheating jerk who was going to school to be, of all things, a MUSIC MINISTER!!!! I must have "cheat on me" written on my forehead! I am MUCH more "mature" now though. I have experienced the crap, now it's time for the good!

Well, it's off to cut the grass!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Am So Tired!

OK. I did something today that I have not done since I was in high school: I slept until noon! I didn't even realize I had slept so late! In fact, I am still pretty tired, so I think I will go take a nap! Sleep is a wonderful thing!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Yes, I am still alive...

Wow! Marti can leave mean comments! :~) OK. I have managed to get my big ole self out of bed at 6AM for 5 days in a row. I think I deserve an oreo blizzard, but then I think back to Thursday when I tried to put on a pair of pants I wore last year and they would not button!!!!!! The sucky thing is that I had ironed them and everything! BUMMER! My class is OK. They are big talkers, though, and I am about to get out the duct tape! (JUST KIDDING!!!) I have 21 of the little ankle biters. One of them has never used a computer before and can't seem to find any of the letters he needs on the keyboard. What do they teach in Las Vegas? So, other than paperwork, I now have no life. I did finally manage the time to cut my front and back yards. The dogs were not appreciating the fact that the grass was so tall. Besides, it's very hard to scoop the poop when it is lost in tall grass!

I will leave you with that thought! :~)